C is for... Candy Corn Costume--Sew A Halloween Costume For A Child

Baby was born in the fall. I could not pass up the opportunity to dress her for Halloween. And what is more special than making the costume yourself? I loved that her little white hospital hat was "the icing on the cake" to complete Our Little Candy Corn.

There are several images out there for baby/toddler candy corn costumes, but the resource and tutorial I found most helpful came from Jenni at Snippets Of My Faith, Family, & Crafting, here.  Thank you, Jenni!

What I Did: Baby wore a long-sleeve white onesie underneath. Then I used materials I already had--white, low pile, soft, knit fabric left over from a baby blanket, sewed a casing on the front piece & one on the back piece for the ribbon ties, and clean-finished the arm holes so the fabric would stop shedding the little pile fuzz; orange felt; yellow felt; and some orange and yellow embroidery floss to add a blanket stitch for a little extra detail. And as I mentioned before, we had her wear her little white hospital cap she wore in the nursery.

The grandparents LOVED the costume!